Sunday, August 25, 2019


She plods deliberately along the mango trail,
her sons and sister following close behind.
They take the path marked out by generations,
their goal a clump of ripe fruit trees.

Mama Elephant, how I admire
your steadfast, caring nature.
Your loyalty and courage inspire me,
your memory and persistence impress.

On behalf of wayward, callous humans
I beg your forbearance if not forgiveness.
Why should this model of strength and dignity
receive, not praise, but cruel abuse?

Forced into human wars, like horses,
at the mercy of trainers with cattle prods.
Every day, in so many ways, the elephant,
has been misused and humiliated,

stripped of her family, her home and freedom,
killed by poachers for her tusks.
Humans have seldom tried to compromise,
wanting it all our way, regardless of cost.

I’m waiting for a world and time
when Elephant, with other animals,
Will be regarded by humanity
With kindness and respect.

Peggy C.

See Mama Elephant and her family on youtube
Beautiful videos of their progression through
the lobby at Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia's 
South Luangwa National Park

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