Saturday, August 31, 2019


“Did I ever tell you about the fire?”

Well, there was smoke,
crackling, flickering light. 
What’s happening?
I thought to myself.
Oh no, there’s a fire!
Where?  In the kitchen?

“Quick, Mom,” I yelled.
Grab a blanket,
a towel, anything!”
I had to run in and fight it,
you see, smother it. 
It’s always been my enemy!

I couldn’t move.  My feet
were stuck in glue.
“Pull”, I urged myself,
“pull harder, the flames
are growing, they’re licking
up the wall!

Where was Mom?  I
couldn’t find her.
She’d disappeared. It was
up to me now.
I’d have to grab a blanket.,
fight the fire, smother it!”

But then I felt hands on me,
pulling me back .
“The cats!” I screamed,
Where were the cats?
Oh no, still in the house? 
Or had they escaped?
“Let me go!” I screamed.
And then I woke up
under a heap of blankets.

Peggy C.

The two faces of Fire.
Fire can be cleansing, renewing, invigorating, warming and cheering.
But Fire can also be shocking,  violent and completely destructive.
I've seen both sides.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Feng Shui concepts

Feng Shui Concepts*


Energy, Cosmic Breath/Vital Principle:
the source of everything in the world 

Appalachian Mountains


The negative and positive phases 
in the flow of Chi.
 Yang - active
Yin - restful

Yang energy in the mountains

Yin energy in the mountains

Five Elements

The five moods of Chi, derived from
the natural world:










She plods deliberately along the mango trail,
her sons and sister following close behind.
They take the path marked out by generations,
their goal a clump of ripe fruit trees.

Mama Elephant, how I admire
your steadfast, caring nature.
Your loyalty and courage inspire me,
your memory and persistence impress.

On behalf of wayward, callous humans
I beg your forbearance if not forgiveness.
Why should this model of strength and dignity
receive, not praise, but cruel abuse?

Forced into human wars, like horses,
at the mercy of trainers with cattle prods.
Every day, in so many ways, the elephant,
has been misused and humiliated,

stripped of her family, her home and freedom,
killed by poachers for her tusks.
Humans have seldom tried to compromise,
wanting it all our way, regardless of cost.

I’m waiting for a world and time
when Elephant, with other animals,
Will be regarded by humanity
With kindness and respect.

Peggy C.

See Mama Elephant and her family on youtube
Beautiful videos of their progression through
the lobby at Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia's 
South Luangwa National Park

Saturday, August 24, 2019

In the beginning
was the One.
Then came little Souls,
pristine, new-born babies,
no experience to darken
their perfect auras.
Thrown forth into the ether,
they moved in their millions
on tracks of never-ending light,
with a mission from the One.
“Go forth and experience everything
 and return to Me with stories to tell.”
And lo it was and is and will continue
until the Whim
is satisfied.

Peggy C.

Saturday, August 24, '19
Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Carp Pond

They slip silently
through the depths,
tiny and colorful
birds of the water,
their gills wave gently
as they weave among each other.

Overhead the Brazilian sunlight
gleams on trailing branches
heavy with colorful flowers,
silence reigns.

Then birds call to one another
through the gentle shushing
of water sliding down the rock face
to the pond beneath.

As the watcher sits immobile on a rock
a dragonfly lights on her knee,
he quivers gently, iridescently
and waves a greeting.

Carole (Peggy) Bollini

Feng Shui

The Yang and Yin of Water

(Yang Expression)

Water bubbling,
churning, chuckling,
foaming over rocky ledges
ripples dancing, trapping sunlight,
round the driftwood,
down the stream.

(Yin expression)

My dog and I step outside
into a world of grey.
Air is water, water air,
soft and silky, frail and drifting,
pale mist lifting,
barely there.

Wind and Water.  Feng Shui in our Lives
copyright: Carole Bollini, 2018

Carp Pond

They slip silently
through the depths,
tiny and colorful
birds of the water,
their gills wave gently
as they weave among each other.

Overhead the Brazilian sunlight
gleams on trailing branches
heavy with colorful flowers,
silence reigns.

Then birds call to one another
through the gentle shushing
of water sliding down the rock face
to the pond beneath.

As the watcher sits immobile on a rock
a dragonfly lights on her knee,
he quivers gently, iridescently
and waves a greeting.

Carole (Peggy) Bollini